Quinoa acts like whole grain, but it’s actually a seed, harvested from a plant called goosefoot, that’s more closely related to spinach and beets than to grains.
It has been cultivated for the past 8,000 years in the South American Andes where it is still widely grown today. QuinoaHub's quinoa is grown by Rwandan farmers.
Why Quinoa?
Big growth: Quinoa has seen remarkable growth as a “super grain” during the last few decades. But that’s just the beginning. As more and more consumers discover its nutritional benefits and versatility, and food manufacturers, bakers, and chefs find endless ways to use it, consumption and demand are continuing to rise.
Facts About Quinoa
Cooking with Quinoa
Good News!!! If you know how to cook rice, you already know how to cook quinoa. You can even use a rice cooker to make it.
Basic cooking directions
15 minutes is all it takes
Combine one part quinoa and two parts of water in a pot with a dash of salt. Bring to a boil, then cover the pot, lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Fluff the quinoa with a fork, and then let it stand in the covered pot while you get the rest of your meal together.
The QuinoaHub organic quinoa, does not require pre-rinsing because it has been carefully cleaned and washed. We carefully rub the seeds, then wash and rinse the product in six separate phases.
Some other brands might have saponin (the bitter-tasting substance that grows on quinoa seeds) left on the seeds, in which case it is very important to rinse the quinoa thoroughly until any traces of foam disappear.

Tips & Ideas
Add it to anything!
Adding cooked quinoa to your favorite recipes is a great way to boost protein and nutritional value, not to mention adding rich, nutty flavor and appealing texture. Cook a batch of quinoa ahead of time, fluff, cool, and store it in the refrigerator so you can enjoy it any time as a side dish or add it to other foods.
Add cooked quinoa to:
Chilis, stews, and soups (ideal to boost the protein content of meatless dishes).
Scrambled eggs and omelets
Pancakes or waffles (stir it right into the batter)
Burgers, meatballs and meatloaf
Oatmeal and other cereals
You can also toast uncooked quinoa in a dry skillet, and add it to cereals, parfaits and granolas.