Research & Development (R&D)
Securing better food for the future

Assessing the Adaptability of Quinoa and Millet in Agroecological Zones of Rwanda
In 2015, alongside the Sustainable Seed Systems Lab at Washington State University, we introduced quinoa for the first time to Rwanda and conducted the first quinoa variety trials, testing 20 different lines of quinoa to see which one would grow best in Rwanda's ecological zones. The first trials were conducted in Gashora, Bugesera, Eastern Province, and Ndera, Gasabo District, City of Kigali performed by our collaborator; Rogers Family Company, and Gardens for Health International.
Quinoa variety trial in 2015 at Gashora Girls Academy of Science & Technology in Rwanda. Photo: Nicole Nganabeza
In 2016, we expanded the quinoa variety trials in different parts of Rwanda and included the millet variety trials. A two-year study (2016 and 2017) was conducted in two different agroclimatic zones of Rwanda: the Eastern lowland region, Gahara Sector, Kirehe District, Eastern Province, and the highlands region, Muhoza Sector, Musanze District, Northern Province.
Download the full research paper here!!!
Elevation from mean sea level and spatial variations of the mean annual rainfall of locations where quinoa and millet trials were conducted in Rwanda (marked by red and blue stars)
Red stars: Initial quinoa research plots 2015
Bleu stars: Quinoa & millet research plots in 2016 and 2017.
Source: Habiyaremye et al., 2022)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptability and agronomic qualities of quinoa (a newly introduced crop) and three millet species including Eleusine coracana (domesticated in the East African highlands), Panicum miliaceum (domesticated in East Asia and newly introduced to Rwanda), and Setaria italica (domesticated in East Asia) in two contrasting Rwandan environments: Musanze (highland) and Kirehe (lowland). We aimed to identify quinoa and millet varieties with high yields and valuable agronomic characteristics in each location and gather information on the adaptability and genotype × environment (G × E) interactions of publicly available varieties.
- Habiyaremye et al. 2022 -